Monroe – Regal Line

Target Completion Year:


Service Areas:

Downtown Spokane, North Spokane, Northwest Spokane, South Spokane

Estimated Impact:

New Rides Annually


As part of Spokane Transit’s Moving Forward 10-year improvement plan, the Spokane Transit Authority (STA) is implementing the Monroe-Regal Line, a new high performance route that will provide frequent, reliable, all-day service along this major regional travel corridor. Service and bus stop improvements will make riding the bus a faster, more convenient, and comfortable way of getting around town.

With the implementation of the Monroe-Regal Line, STA will modify other bus routes near the Monroe-Regal Line to ensure an efficient, seamless transit system. Service changes to existing bus routes will be introduced when the Monroe-Regal Line opens for service in September 2019. Look for more information and opportunities for public comment on proposed service changes later this fall.

What is the Monroe-Regal Line?

The Monroe-Regal Line is a major north-south transit corridor that runs 11.4 miles from STA’s Five Mile Park and Ride to a brand new Moran Station Park and Ride (located at East 57th Ave and South Palouse Highway) that will be constructed as part of the project. The Monroe-Regal Line will serve:

  • Downtown Spokane
  • STA Plaza
  • Garland District
  • Spokane County Courthouse and County Campus
  • Kendall Yards
  • Southside Medical District
  • Manito Park
  • Lincoln Heights
  • Ferris High School
  • Lewis and Clark High School
  • Many other neighborhoods and destinations

Frequent, Reliable, Comfortable, and Accessible Service

As a high performance corridor, the Monroe-Regal Line will provide frequent, reliable all-day service – every 15 minutes for at least 12 hours per day on weekdays, and at least every 30 minutes during evenings, weekends, and holidays. The Monroe-Regal Line will also feature:

  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible stations
  • New amenities, like shelters in some locations
  • Distinctive branding
  • Electric buses as early as 2020

Station improvements and amenities will vary by location depending on station ridership, available space, project budget, and other factors. Some existing bus stops in the corridor will be relocated to accommodate new amenities, like shelters, and some stops will be closed to make the new service faster and more reliable for riders.

STA will continue to evaluate proposed bus stop improvements and changes to specific existing stop locations through the project design process this fall.

A New Moran Station Park and Ride

As part of the launch of the Monroe-Regal Line, STA is constructing the new Moran Station Park and Ride, located at the intersection of East 57th Ave and South Palouse Highway in the Moran Prairie neighborhood of Spokane County.

Project Schedule

The Monroe-Regal Line, including the Moran Station Park and Ride, will open for service in September 2019. Additional corridor improvements, including STA’s new electronic fare collection system, a clean and green battery-electric bus fleet, and additional station amenities will be introduced in future phases in 2020 and 2021.

Spokane Transit will consider and incorporate public feedback throughout the design process and present the revised project through a series of in-person and online events in 2018 and 2019.

Email Updates
April 2018
July 2018
August 2018
September 2018
October 2018
November 2018
June 2019
December 2019


October 18, 2018

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Moran Station Park & Ride Open House

Moran Prairie Elementary
4224 E. 57th Ave
Spokane, AL 99223

October 17, 2018

4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Monroe-Regal Line Open House

STA Plaza
701 W. Riverside
Spokane, AL 99201

July 25, 2018

Kendall Yards Night Market

Kendall Yards
AL 99201

June 26, 2018

6:00 PM

Pedestrian Transportation and Traffic Committee

West Central Community Center

June 14, 2018

6:30 PM

Manito/Cannon Hill Neighborhood Council Meeting

Wilson Elementary Library

June 14, 2018

6:30 PM

North Hill Neighborhood Council

Gathering House
733 W Garland

June 13, 2018

West Central Neighborhood Council – June

West Central Community Center
1603 N Belt St
Spokane, AL 99205

June 5, 2018

Rockwood – June

Hutton Elementary
908 E 24th Ave
Spokane, AL 99203

May 16, 2018

Comstock Neighborhood Council – May

Sacajawea Middle School
401 E. 33rd Ave.
Spokane, AL 99223

May 15, 2018

Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council – May

Southside Senior Center
3151 E 27th Ave.
Spokane, AL 99223

May 9, 2018

Emerson/Garfield Neighborhood Council – May

Corbin Senior Center
827 W. Cleveland Ave.
Spokane, AL 99205

May 2, 2018

Southgate Neighborhood Council – May

4201 S. Regal
Spokane, AL 99223


Monroe-Regal Line Online Open House

The new Monroe-Regal Line is coming to your neighborhood in 2019!

As part of Spokane Transit’s Moving Forward 10-year improvement plan, Spokane Transit Authority is implementing the Monroe-Regal Line, a new High Performance Transit route that will provide frequent, reliable, all-day service along a major north-south regional travel corridor. The project will make riding the bus a faster, more convenient, and comfortable way of getting around town.

Spokane Transit is starting design of the project and needs your feedback on the proposed stop locations and improvements.

The Online Open House is now closed. Thank you for the feedback.

View the September online open house summery here

September 2019 Service Revision Survey

STA is moving right along with implementing the 10-year plan, STA Moving Forward. The following changes are programmed to go into effect in September 2019 at the regular service change: Monroe-Regal High Performance Transit (HPT) Line, Upriver Transit Center at Spokane Community College, new Moran Station Park & Ride, and new South Commuter Express.

More information


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